Process, Flare and Utility Systems Simulations

Worley Origo Process has a strong in-house expertise within process simulations. HYSYS/UniSim, HYSYS/UniSim Dynamics, Pipenet and UniSim Flare/Flare System Analyzer (Flarenet) are the main software tools. 

HYSYS and UniSim are the leading process simulation tools on the market. They are mainly used for de-bottlenecking studies, main process simulations and process optimisation, finding process parameters for equipment, compositions etc.

Pipenet simulates pressure loss and flow distributions in pipe networks. Worley Origo Process uses the software to simulate heating and cooling medium and seawater distribution systems.

UniSim Flare and Flare System Analyzer (Flarenet) are used for design, verification and optimisation of flare systems. 

Typical deliveries/actions are:

  • Prepare and update static and dynamic HYSYS/UniSim models and conducting studies

  • Prepare & update Pipenet models for firewater and process utility systems

  • Prepare and update UniSim Flare/Flare System Analyzer (Flarenet) models and evaluate flare system capacity